Icelandic Turf Houses
990 ISK
Höfundur Hildur Hermóðsdóttir
Icleandic Turf Houses geymir sýnishorn af íslenskum torfbæjum frá mismunandi tímum. Íslendingar bjuggu í torfbæjum allt frá landnámi en upp úr 1900 fór annar húsakostur að ryðja sér til rúms. Nú eru einungis uppistandandi örfáir torfbæir sem varðveittir eru af Þjóðminjasafni Íslands, flestir þeirra eru burstarbæir, en það var byggingarlag sem fór að þróast skömmu fyrir aldamótin 1900.
Iceland´s turf buildings have an important place in the country´s national heritage, and are unique in the world. From the settlement of Iceland around 900 AD until the early 20th century Icelandic people lived in such buildings. Today only a handful of these turf houses and churches remain. This unique publication showcases some examples of Icelandic turf buildings from various periods in the country´s history.