Skemmtilegar bækur fyrir skemmtilegt fólk

On Time and Water

3,290 ISK

Höfundur Andri Snaer Magnason, translated by Lytton Smith

Þessi vara er ekki fáanleg eins og er

A unique approach to climate change that recalls W. G. Sebald.

Icelandic author and activist Andri Snaer Magnason's 'Letter to the Future', an extraordinary and moving eulogy for the lost Okjokull glacier, made global news and was shared by millions. Now he attempts to come to terms with the issues we all face in his new book On Time and Water. Magnason writes of the melting glaciers, the rising seas and acidity changes that haven't been seen for 50 million years. These are changes that will affect all life on earth.

Taking a path to climate science through ancient myths about sacred cows, stories of ancestors and relatives and interviews with the Dalai Lama, Magnason allows himself to be both personal and scientific. The result is an absorbing mixture of travel, history, science and philosophy.